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, 11 2023 . 13:16 +
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49 - The Natural Soap Making Book for Beginners
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The Natural Soap Making Book for Beginners

, 21 2023 . 13:18 +
4037178_newprojectrpbv (541x566, 391Kb)

Making soap from scratch is a fun hobby and a great way to control the ingredients in the products you use, but it can be hard to know where to start. The Natural Soap Making Book for Beginners will show you how easy and simple it is to make your very own homemade soaps without artificial dyes and chemicals. Your senses will tingle as you master the art of cold-process soap making using fresh, floral, woody, and amber scents to create your own handcrafted soaps.

" ":
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49 - The Natural Soap Making Book for Beginners
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(: )

, 24 2023 . 15:50 +
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49 - The Natural Soap Making Book for Beginners
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The Natural Soap Chef

, 09 2022 . 19:21 +

Making Luxurious Delights from Cucumber Melon and Almond Cookie to Chai Tea and Espresso Forte
Heidi Corley Barto

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Create natural, moisturizing, aromatic soaps at home that are easy to make, inexpensive, and a joy to use. Soap is supposed to cleanse and soothe skin, but what's available in stores often just dries and irritates. With The Natural Soap Chef anyone can quickly learn how to make all-natural soaps that gently wash even the most sensitive skin. Not only are these soaps good for the body, but they also beautifully dress up any home with their delicious scents and colors. This book will show you the way your great grandma made soap, by using the cold process method utilizing the basic components of soap: lye and oil. With easy-to-follow instructions and photos that guarantee success, you'll be a soap-making expert in no time!

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43 - The Natural Soap Chef
44 - How To Make Your Own Soap
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49 - The Natural Soap Making Book for Beginners
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